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We all want to smell nice and we want the house, car and other working environments to smell pleasant. But have you considered the effect of these fragrances upon your health?

The increased concentration of fragrances and fragranced-associated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are linked to an increased risk of cancer, damage to the liver, kidneys, and damage to the central nervous system. VOCs are a diverse group of carbon-based chemicals that readily evaporate into the air at room temperature.

There are over 3,000 individual fragrance ingredients used in our favourite perfumes, body lotions, hair products, make-up, and baby products to name a few. While some of these chemicals are safe for our health and the environment, others have never been tested for safety. According to scientists, some of these chemicals are even known to cause cancer, hormone disruption, and reproductive harm!

They may cause respiratory, and systemic effects such as headaches, asthma attacks, breathing difficulties, cardiovascular and neurological problems, mucosal irritation, and contact dermatitis.

One of the toxic compounds contained in air freshener is formaldehyde. Metabolism and detoxification of formaldehyde occur in the liver that produces toxic metabolites which can damage the liver.

Recent research is suggesting that the VOCs and other endocrine disruptors are responsible for pushing females towards an earlier menopause than we have encountered before – This is also true for earlier puberty.

It is believed that smoking, drinking, stress, and increased exposure to environmental pollutants are associated with premature menopause. Among these, environmental pollutants that can be ommonly encountered in daily life are being studied as one of the contributing causes of premature menopause. For example, personal care products and sanitary products mostly used by women contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), such as phthalate, bisphenol A (BPA), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which have been suggested to have a significant influence on the reproductive function.


Chemicals in fragrances can mimic our own hormones and affect hormone balance.

Air Fresheners:

Phthalates in air fresheners are toxic to your ovaries and impact your fertility. They damage follicles in their development into eggs, and mess with your ovaries’ ability to produce oestrogen and progesterone, further throwing off your hormonal balance. For safer ways of freshening your indoor air, open windows and use fans.

Fragranced personal care products

Fortunately, fragrance isn’t necessary for a product to function well or be effective. Choose fragrance-free skincare products.

Scented candles

Scented candles are popular gifts but those with harmful fragrance chemicals added to them can be released into the air and inhaled. In addition, fragrance oils can soften the wax so that the candle does not burn cleanly–emitting more black soot which is dangerous to health.

Essential oils are a great alternative, where you can mix with a carrier oil such as a little bit of coconut oil. You can make your own solid perfume by using natural ingredients such as beeswax, shea butter and essential oils, where it will then melt when you rub it on your skin.

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