It´s almost the weekend. Some may be drawing their cleanse to a close, others may have reached their 2nd or 3rd weekend. If you would like a drink with alcohol, please be mindful before drinking. Remember the impacts it has on hormone balance and slowing down fat burning. If you can keep going without, that´s great. Whatever you do, remember HYDRATION is a KEY component of detoxification.
1) Water is crucial for digestion. If you don’t drink enough water between meals and snacks, the flow of your saliva slows down, making digestion less efficient. When this happens, it means your body absorbs less nutrients.
2) Water is crucial for flushing out toxins. Every day your body excretes up to 4 pints of water through your skin, urine, lungs and gut to eliminate toxins. The less water you drink, the less efficient this process is and the more toxins build up in your body.
3) Water is crucial for oxygenation, energy & cellular repair. Without enough water in your body, your blood volume decreases, which starves your cells of vital oxygen and nutrients. It also means your cells can’t create new tissue to repair any damage.
Altogether, these effects can leave you feeling weak and tired, as well as putting you at increased risk of illness. However there is a lot of talk about water quality.
Hopefully you´ve stopped drinking water from a plastic bottle? If not, please do switch to a stainless steel and drop water from plastic bottles.
Drinking water is a main source of PFAS exposure and even low levels of exposure can result in the accumulation of PFAS (plastics) in the body.
These PFAS alter immune function, thyroid function, increase non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, increase cholesterol levels, lead to adverse reproductive outcomes, kidney disease.
Additionally, a study involving 55,032 adults living in Ronneby, Sweden found that long-term PFAS exposure through drinking water resulted in an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and in particular, increased risk of early onset diabetes.
Other water sources. Hydration comes in many forms besides plain drinking water, including tea, soups, broths, and food. Fruits and vegetables have varying amounts of water, with the highest quantities found in cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, celery, and cooked squash.
For my 3 living in and close to Copenhagen, you can see that water contains
Assessing your tap water quality: An introduction to contaminants, treatment and testing.
Some find that alkaline water works for them and you don´t need to spend a fortune on a fancy machine for this. The alkalinity of liquids and water gets determined by the pH level. It stands for the potential of hydrogen level. The higher the pH level, the higher the alkalinity is.
Normal drinking water holds a seven pH level. Alkaline water holds a higher pH level, often 8-9. The source of the alkaline water is different. It could come from springs or wells which hold a large number of dissolved minerals.
You could also produce alkaline water through simple methods as illustrated in the image.