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Christine offers small group classes in Pilates/Core training and Xtend Barre training. Individual and smaller group training is available on request. Classes last for 55 minutes and concentrate of optimising core strength, flexibility and muscle tone.

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Pilates/Core & Xtend Barre Training

Pilates – Explore the core

Pilates may sound intimidating, but it’s an accessible way to build strength in your core muscles for better posture, balance and flexibility. Pilates isn’t just for fitness fiends. Pilates is an accessible way to build strength in your core muscles for better posture, balance and flexibility. If you’re considering a Pilates class for beginners, here’s what you need to know before you head to the gym.

Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. Pilates emphasises use of the abdominals, lower back, hips and thighs. By practicing Pilates regularly, you can achieve a number of health benefits, including:

  • Improved core strength and stability
  • Improved posture and balance
  • Improved flexibility
  • Prevention of back pain

Pilates is named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, who developed the exercises in the early 1900's.

It sculpts the body proportionally so that all body parts are equally challenged…yes that means your tummy, thighs and butt will all look shaped and sculpted all at the same time. 
Xtend Barre teachers because of their pilates training, not only instruct exercises, but also provide cues that challenge and correct form and alignment. Xtend Barre classes move quickly, providing a cardio challenge while working on your strength, stability and stamina.

If stronger abs and back muscles, improved endurance and overall energy, increased flexibility, greater body awareness and improved posture and toned arms, sculpted thighs and a lifted derriere are what you’re after, Xtend Barre is for you.

Xtend Barre is a fast paced, full body immersion work out that fuses dance, core, and sculpting exercises to give you a chiselled body – and fast!

Christine teaches a multi-level class geared to challenge bodies of any age, gender or fitness background and all exercises can be modified for beginners, pre-natal clients, injured clients, but also amplified for advanced clients that are looking for that extreme challenge.

Xtend Barre avoids endless repetitions in awkward positions that can add bulk to your body. Xtend classes add props like yoga straps, stretch bands and playground balls to bring a fun twist to an already intense workout.

The future of movement

Hypervibe Training is a safe, fast, and effective means to elevate your level of health and fitness in only a fraction of time.

It is whole body vibration (WBV) consisting of a plate that moves pivotally up and down, sending pulses of energy throughout the body. These vibration waves work to mobilize joints, activate muscles and connective tissues, and encourage overall alignment of the body’s bones and tissues.

Benefits of Hypervibe Training include: Improved Muscle Strength and Tone, Increased Bone Density, Weight Loss and Positive Body Composition Changes.