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Online Health & Fitness Programmes

I am passionate about educating individuals to take control of their health, motivating them to sustain a healthy lifestyle which is why I’ve created these programmes.

To help you reset and rebalance quickly, this sugar- and ultra-processed-food-free programme is designed to get you back on track. My Rapid Reset programme is flexible – lasting five days or longer, depending on your goals.

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The Cleanse and Reboot programme focusses upon reducing the toxic burden placed upon the body which can lead to a variety of symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, weight issues, hormone imbalance. The LIVE programme is offered twice a year: Spring and Autumn.

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The Hormone Harmony programme is to help women understand why hormonal balance is important and how best to maintain or regain this balance from pre-menopause to peri-menopause and into menopause. The LIVE programme is offered once a year.

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Online Fitness Classes

Christine hopes to educate, motivate and inspire you!

Classes suited for anybody, anytime, anywhere – Join pilates or barre workouts. You can spend as much time as YOU have available and pause classes at any time.

Christine has more than 35 years of teaching experience and her mission is to make classes adapted to all abilities.
Christine believes that the pilates and barre exercises can be adapted for all and having them online, means they can be stopped and exercises retried at one´s own pace. This supports building strength in the privacy of the home environment before attempting to join a group class. For others, working privately in their own time suits better with work/life schedules. Additionally, online classes enable clients to continue maintaining their fitness wherever they may be in the world.

Classes are no longer than 30 minutes. With barre classes you can opt to add on the 10 minute bonus at the end of the workout to increase the time.

For the pilates, you can choose to do the classes individually or join any together to lengthen your workout time.

All you require is a screen that is easy to see, a mat for pilates (small ball and elastic also useful but not essential) and mat and balance support for barre.
Press go and enjoy your class.

Exclusive access to my online video library of Pilates and Barre classes from 15th July to 30th August

Pilates Classes

Access to my library of instructional Pilates videos.

Only €15.00 / month


Barre Classes

Access to my library of instructional Barre videos.

Only €15.00 / month


Pilates & Barre Classes

Access to both of my Pilates and Barre video libraries.

Only €25.00 / month


Hello everyone. This is my second time doing this C&R. Being a chef and working with food every single day made me realise how much I “snack” and taste everyday. Most of the things I eat I don’t even think about I just put it into my mouth. Things I don’t even need to taste but I do it by reflex. I so unnecessary and just four days into this program things have started to change. Even faster than last time.

I don’t feel bloated anymore, my ears have stopped itching and my nose has stopped running, I sleep better, and I cope better with my very stressful job. I’m amazed what a change in habits and choice of food can do. Once again THANK YOU Christine Johanna Kjeldbjerg for this amazing programme 🙏🏼 and we’ve only just begun 💪

Marlene from Denmark

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Disclaimer: All courses are not intended as a replacement for medical advice in any way. Always check with your GP or nutritionist before making big changes to your diet or taking new supplements and if you have any concerns about symptoms.