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Eggs – I am a little EGGCITED to post about eggs over the Easter weekend.

There are health/liver reasons why I suggest omitting for 7 days, except for the vegetarians/athletes who may struggle with adequate protein.  However, this is ONLY 7 days to see if you have an issue and any gut symptoms clear up.   If you know you have no issues, I am ok for you to include, but please read this first.

Generally speaking, eggs are an excellent source of protein and can improve the nutrient value of many meals.  I also believe they are an excellent support for cognition once in post-menopause.  However, there is increasing concern about contamination of our lovable eggs!

The Environmental health and safety organisation, we need to consider that viral agents can be passed through eggs adding an extra burden to the liver:

*Eggs are laid through the cloaca, a chamber that receives feces via the rectum, urine via the ureters, and eggs via the reproductive tract. Thus, eggs have passed through a body cavity that is loaded with bacteria and other potential disease agents. Not only is the outside of an egg contaminated but so, too, may be the inside. When a freshly laid egg cools, a pressure differential occurs between the inside of the egg and the outside. Any fluid on the shell, which might be teaming with disease agents, is forced through the shell and into the egg.”


Unfortunately, there is recent research to indicate that many of the eggs being sold are contaminated with toxins such as dioxins.


Animal feed, including soil and insects for free-range hens, are a source of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that are ultimately transferred from the chicken to the egg. Consuming eggs from free-range hens may increase consumption of dioxins and PCBs if they forage in a contaminated environment, as opposed to hens that are kept in cages and therefore do not have access to a contaminated environment. Children and breastfeeding or pregnant women may be at increased risk of consuming unhealthy levels of toxins from eggs. Additionally, eggs may contain heavy metals like lead and chromium due to contaminated feed. Lead has also been found in eggs from backyard chickens and owners should test their soil and remediate contaminated soil as needed. As with other toxins, children are particularly vulnerable to lead exposure. If consuming store-bought eggs, it may be ideal to alternate brands to reduce exposure to and accumulation of a particular toxin.

The article is from 2022 and even grass fed eggs in Denmark were contaminated at high levels. Maybe not so much an issue for us, but for the growing child this could have numerous health issues.

While the most common food allergies include peanuts and dairy, eggs are also a common food allergy and food sensitivity.

Egg intolerant people tend to be okay with egg yolks and have an adverse reaction to the albumen in egg whites. While an egg allergy involves a chemical reaction in the body, an egg intolerance means that a person cannot process and absorb the egg whites (or egg yolks), often causing a wide range of symptoms.  Common symptoms are:

  • Skin inflammation or hives — the most common egg allergy reaction.
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing (allergic rhinitis)
  • Digestive symptoms, such as cramps, nausea and vomiting.
  • Asthma signs and symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath.

From a nutritional perspective, egg white appears to be a healthful protein source with 47 different types of protein. In the human digestive tract, enzymes called proteases (trypsin and chymotrypsin) normally break down proteins into their smaller parts called amino acids which can be absorbed across the intestines.

However, egg white protein contains high concentrations of compounds that work against the protease enzymes making them less effective in breaking down the egg white proteins.

One egg white protein called lysozyme is capable of surviving acid in the gut and therefore arrives intact in the lower gastrointestinal tract.

These lysosomes can cross the intestinal barrier and get into the bloodstream where they can interact with the immune system, and therefore trigger an immune response which may be a health concern in some individuals.

Could you have an egg intolerance? An affordable, accurate, and personal way to understand any food intolerance is to track your symptoms after eating eggs in a food diary, providing as much detail as possible over a day or two, as some symptoms won’t show up immediately.

By keeping a food journal, you can better understand your symptoms and even show your doctor to help determine if you have a food intolerance. For those with a diagnosed or suspicion of egg intolerance: the particles from eggs can leave the liver cells within 90 days providing they are avoided altogether for that time.

Options besides chicken eggs include quail and duck eggs, which are smaller and larger than chicken eggs, respectively. In general, duck eggs tend to have a higher proportion of lipids compared to chicken and quail eggs. Duck eggs also have a higher mineral and trace mineral content compared to chicken eggs. They are particularly rich in iron and contain about twice as much compared to chicken eggs per 100 g.

TIPS: aqua-faba from chickpeas can be used for binding (like egg whites) – flax egg is also great for binding.  Psyllium husk is useful in fish patties and bread mixtures.

Flax eggs are an easy egg substitute made with just 2 ingredients. You can mix it up in just …


  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds ((or chia seeds))
  • 3 tablespoons water

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