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Alongside adopting sensible food habits, avoiding snacking there are supplements that may help support blood sugar balance as well as the lifestyle management techniques of

  • Physical activity
  • Sleep
  • Stress management

Did you know that too much sugar will impact the availability of some important nutrients?

Vitamin D

Sugar, especially in the form of fructose may lead to vitamin D depletion. This is because high levels of the enzyme needed to breakdown fructose also degrades vitamin D and decreases the availability of the enzyme needed to create the right form of vitamin D. As a result fructose enhances the breakdown of vitamin D in the kidney and impairs the body´s ability to make it = vitamin D deficiency and potential for increased inflammation.


Vitamin D is needed to help with calcium absorption so if levels of vitamin D are low, calcium levels will also be affected.
Both fructose and glucose have been shown to increase calcium excretion through the kidneys.


High sugar intake and elevated insulin levels have been shown to increase the excretion of magnesium via the kidneys. Magnesium plays a big role in helping to stabilise blood sugar levels by influencing cellular uptake of glucose and insulin release. So when magnesium levels are low it is harder to maintain blood sugar balance as glucose levels in the blood increase. Magnesium also works hand in hand with Vitamin D, so low levels of both prevent many mechanisms functioning well.


This is a trace mineral that helps regulate blood sugar control. Chromium can help to move glucose (sugar) out of your blood, so that it can be used by your cells for energy, while also keeping the amount of glucose in your blood at a healthy level.

Consuming too much sugar causes chromium to be excreted in urine and chromium deficiency contributes to poor glucose tolerance and higher blood sugar levels. This is because chromium is needed to help bind the glucose to the insulin receptor on the cell membrane.

Chromium is important in general for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Chromium is found in fruits and vegetables and also whole grains but you can become deficient in chromium if you have been eating a lot of refined carbohydrates; e.g. white bread, white rice, as the chromium is lost when the grain is refined.

Vitamin C

Both glucose and vitamin C have the same transporters to enter the cells so high levels of glucose prevent the body from absorbing the vitamin C as priority goes to moving glucose out of the blood stream. This leads to a reduction in immunity as vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. The 2 portions of fruit should not be excluded, but ensure you manage excess glucose from other sources.


  • Vitamin D3 – Get levels checked. They should be around 60 or more nmol
  • Magnesium – Most of us are deficient and it works with Vitamin D. Often 300mg per day is supportive. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of developing insulin resistance. Sulphate, Citrate and/or glycinate would be my choices for managing blood sugar.
  • Zinc plays a crucial role in promoting glucose transport into cells. This could contribute to lowering blood glucose levels. Most studies have used 25mg/day of zinc picolinate.
  • Electrolytes: See tomorrow’s post for more information.
  • Chromium: Chromium levels decrease with age and since the soil quality is much poorer than in previous decades it is thought that we don´t get the same levels from our vegetables compared to our pre industrial times. Supplements containing 200-1,000 mcg chromium as chromium picolinate a day have been found to improve blood glucose control, but should not be taken by those on any blood sugar medication. Cinnamon is a natural source of chromium.

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